Submission and peer review of manuscripts
1. Initially, the article should be designed in accordance with the editorial requirements (requirements are posted on the website of the journal pma-ntp.ru), then it should be submitted in electronic form by e-mail - Данный адрес e-mail защищен от спам-ботов, Вам необходимо включить Javascript для его просмотра.
2 The scientific papers submitted for the publication in the journal are peer reviewed. They can be accompanied with peer reviews by doctors of Sciences in related disciplines, which accelerate the process of publication by the Office of the institutions of the authors or reviewers.
3. In five working days the editorial board notifies the author (s) on acceptance of the manuscript to consideration by e-mail.
4. After consideration and reviewing the editorial board informs the author about the remarks (if they arise) which are needed to be corrected.
5. After correction the author should submit the manuscript in the journal by e-mail for definitive consideration.
6. The author(s) of paper, accepted to the publication, should sign statement-offer on transfer of copyrights (the application form is placed on the website of the journal).
Order of reviewing
1. All submitted manuscripts are reviewed by experts of a corresponding specialty by recommendation of MERI RAN or editorial board members.
2. Experts of a corresponding speciality consider the manuscripts received with peer review also.
3. The review of the submitted work should reflect:
- conformity to the journal subjects and urgency of a topic;
- the analysis and validity of problem statement;
- urgency of work and its conformity to priority scientific researches;
- scientific innovation, theoretical and practical importance of work;
- estimation of main results of researches;
- validity of conclusions on problem solving;
- use of references;
- quality and conformity to typography requirements for the publication in the journal.
4. The recommended form of the review is posted on the journal's website or can be provided by the editorial board on demand. The review form can differ, but necessarily it should correspond to requirements of the  third item of the given Order.
5. In case of remarks found by the reviewer the article will be sent to the author for correction with the obligatory subsequent coordination of the brought corrections with the editorial board.